Don McClain – President
Cris Dellaripa – Vice President
Luis Saiz – Director / Education Coordinator
John Sahakian – Treasurer / Director
Tom Tooma – Secretary / Director
Adam Stiebeling – Director
William Gorbutt – Director
The New York State Fire Marshal’s & Inspector’s Association is committed to providing professional code enforcement for the protection and safety of the resident’s and guest’s of the State of New York.
Proposed January, 2004
Adopted January 8, 2004
Section 1.1
This Association shall be known as the Westchester County Fire Marshals and Inspectors Association.
Section 1.2
Where elsewhere in these by-laws the term “Association” may be substituted for the full name.
Section 2.1
Its purpose is to provide education, assistance and advice to persons and/or establishments pertaining to fire prevention, fire protection, code enforcement and construction techniques and materials.
Section 2.2
In addition to Section 2.1, it shall provide information and assistance to its membership and the members of other Associations or Agencies investigating or offering information pertaining to fire protection and/or fire prevention.
Section 1.1
The Administration of this “Association” consists of an Executive Board, which is comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, 3 Directors and the immediate past President.
Section 1.2
The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be nominated at the “Association” meeting in November of each year. Nominees of the above offices will be voted on at the December meeting of each year. The election shall be by the active members present and only those in good standing shall be eligible to vote.
Section 1.3
All Officers of the Executive Board must be an Active Member.
Section 1.4
All elected officers shall take office at 12:01l am on the first day of January following the election.
Section 1.5
The Executive Board may appoint an active member to fill an unexpired term of office.
Section 1.6
The same Person may Dot hold more than one office with the exception of Directors.
Section 1.7
The term of office for all elected officials shall be for one (1) year.
Section 1.8
The term of office for Directors shall be (three) 3 years.
Section 2.1
The President shall conduct all meeting in an orderly manner. The President shall appoint all standing or special committees as necessary for the operation of this “Association”. The President may also call special meetings as needed.
Section 2.2
The Vice President shall carry out the duties of the President in his/her absence.
Section 2.3
The Secretary will keep a record of membership, record minutes for all meetings and be responsible for all correspondence.
Section 2.4
The Treasurer collect all dues, pay all bills contracted by the “Association”, and shall carry out the duties of the President and Vice President in their absence.
Section 2.5
The duties of the Directors shall be to assist the Executive Board in the operation of this “Association”.
Section 3.1
The duties of the Executive Board shall include, but not be limited to, the review of all proposed by-law revisions or additions, review proposed State Legislation pertaining to fire safety laws or inspection procedures and bring this information back to the general membership.
Section 3.2
The Executive Board shall review all membership applications to the “Association” and make the decision to accept or reject said application.
Section 3.3
The Executive Board shall be responsible for the paying of bills of the “Association”.
Section 3.4
The Executive Board shall have an audit of all “Association” monies conducted at least once a year.
Section 1.1
Membership in the “Association” shall have two (2) classifications: Active and Associate.
Section 1.2
Active Membership shall be limited to Fire Marshals, Fire Safety Inspectors, Building Inspectors, Fire Investigators, Fire Service personnel and Code Enforcement Officials. Active members will have the privilege of holding office, serving on committees and having a voice in the “Association”.
Section 1.3
Associate Membership shall be limited to those persons interested in promoting a fire safe environment. Associate Members shall be allowed to attend meetings and serve on any standing committee. Associate Members cannot hold office or vote for any elected official.
Section 1.4
Application for all memberships shall be made on a form provided by the Secretary, containing all information required. Applications will be accepted by the Secretary and turned over to the Executive Board for review.
Section 1.5
The annual dues for Active Members will be fifteen dollars ($15.00) per year. All dues are payable in January of each year. In the event a member shall fail to pay the annual dues on or before the April meeting, that member shall be removed from the membership role.
Section 1.6
The annual dues for Associate membership in the “Association” will be fifty dollars ($50.00) per year. All dates are payable in January of cash year. In the event a member shall fail to pay the annual dues on or before the April meeting, that member shall be removed from the membership role.
Section 1.7
Persons who otherwise qualify for membership in the “Association” and retire from active employment shall be entitled to pay five dollars ($5.00) per year for membership dues.
Section 1.8
No member, Active or Associate, shall use this organization’s name or logo for an endorsement or approval of any product, system or procedure without written permission of the Executive Board.
Section 1.1
Meetings will be held on the second (2) Thursday of the month, at a place designated by the elected officers at the previous meeting. The meeting date Time and place may be changed for reasonable purposes if the majority of the members at the previous meeting vote to do so. The Secretary will notify all members of the meeting change by mail.
Section 1.2
In case of an emergency, a special meeting may be called by the President or the Executive Board. The President shall have the authority to change the meeting place, time and date.
Section 1.3
The Executive Board may authorize payment of bills in those months that there is no meeting of the “Association”.
Section 1.4
At any meeting of the “Association” a quorum for the election of any Officer, or for the consideration of any question shall consist of at least ten (10) Active Members in good standing.
Section 1.1
By-law changes or amendments may be proposed at any regular meeting. Such changes or amendments shall be submitted to the Executive Board for their review. The Vice President shall submit the proposed changes or amendments to the membership at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The submitted proposal shall lie on the table for at least thirty (30) days or until the next meeting before a vote can be taken. Such submitted proposals must receive a majority vote of the membership present to be approved. The adopted by-law change shall be sent to the membership and becomes effective ten (10) days after the mailing date.
Westchester County
Fire Marshals & Inspectors Association
PO box 8404
White Plains, NY 10602